Workshops & lectures
Parents Children Teachers Youth
Home Alone
Concrete assistance to parents in the face of remote school challenges.
Youth and Sexuality Online
Workshop on sexuality, online pornography and sexual abuse online, with the aim of developing critical thinking towards online content.
Več športa, manj zaslona
Priporočila za uporabo zaslonov pri mladih športnikih.
Youth and Cyberbullying
Workshop on various forms of cyberbullying, what cyberbullying brings and how to recognize and address it.
Virtual Communities
In the lecture, we break down myths about current virtual communities, present their risk and look at the reasons why they are important to young people.
Family E-rules
Parenting in digital age - for parents of children and young people.
Angry Birds
Content covers safe and responsible use of internet for primary school children.
Who is the boss: You or the Machine?
Preventive workshops for high school students.
Curious little fingers and TV heros
Safe use of television, digital devices and internet for parents of preschool children.
Companies Employees
Wellbeing at work
Workshops for companies and their employees.
Tailored workshops, training, seminars or lectures
We tailor presentation according to your needs.