Award from the Municipality of Kranj for successful and efficient work in the field of online risks


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The Municipality of Kranj traditionally awards prizes for extraordinary achievements of extraordinary individuals and groups on the eve of the municipal holiday, the birthday of the greatest Slovenian poet France Prešern. Mayor Matjaž Rakovec announced this year's prize winners at the celebratory academy in Prešeren's theater in Kranj.

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All award winners for 2024

In the explanation of the selection, they wrote:

Center Logout officially opened its unit in Kranj in the fall of 2022, whilst the institution was founded in 2011. It is the first specialized organization that offers free help and support to people with excessive use of the Internet and digital addiction, as well as to victims of online violence. They inform, educate, raise awareness among children and adults about the balanced and safe use of screen technologies. They cooperate with most schools in Kranj and the surrounding area with preventiative activities. They are also included in the Local Action Group for prevention of addiction.

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Tilen Hočevar and Manca Kok - Logout Kranj

Logout offers individual counselling sessiouns, group meetings and other activities, such as a screen-free summer camp for children and youth. Since the beginning of 2023, at least 220 known and 110 anonymous service users have joined the help and support programs, and in each of them they follow their mission, which is to improve everyone's well-being in the digital world, especially children and young people.


Many thanks to the Municipality of Kranj for the wonderful event and especially the confirmation of our role and contribution to the community.

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