Award from the Municipality of Kranj for successful and efficient work in the field of online risks
The Municipality of Kranj traditionally awards prizes for extraordinary achievements of extraordinary individuals and groups on the eve of the municipal holiday, the birthday of the greatest Slovenian poet France Prešern. Mayor Matjaž Rakovec announced this year's prize winners at the celebratory academy in Prešeren's theater in Kranj.
A new chapter for Logout in Koper!
It is with great pleasure and pride that we announce that we have opened a new Logout unit in Koper! We are located at Beblerjeva ulica 13, within the Balinarska dvorana Žusterna, which is located in Markovec.
Digital Detox - digital addiction treatment program for children and adolescents
This three-week initiative is tailored for 13 to 19-year-olds struggling with excessive digital consumption and internet-related school neglect. The program encourages participants to evaluate their digital habits and life goals. It also involves parents in the recovery process.
Symbolic handing over of the collected funds of the E-sports federation of Slovenia
In December 2021, The E-sports Federation of Slovenia (EŠZS) raised 6,395.00 euros in a 12-hour charity stream led by Jan Vaukman - Vauks and attended by many famous Slovenes.
Grant of the charity campaign Light of Peace from Bethlehem 2021 to our center
On Tuesday, 22 February 2022 *, scouts in the Arrupe Hall at the headquarters of the Association of Slovenian Catholic Girl and Boy Scouts donated to our center part of the funds raised from the charity campaign Light of Peace from Bethlehem 2021, worth 2,200 euros.
"All connected", exhibition of 10 posters on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the operation
In the gallery of the City Hall in Ljubljana, from 15 December 2021 to 10 February 2022, the exhibition "All Connected" is on display, marking the tenth anniversary of our operation with ten posters.
National award from the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Affairs
Our team has received a national award from the Ministry of Labor, Family, and Social Affairs for our work at digital addiction and social impact made in 2021.
Partnership with the Faculty of Sports, University of Ljubljana
We signed an agreement on mutual cooperation in the implementation of practical training of University of Ljubljana the Faculcy of Sports students in the academic year 2021/2022, which will enable students of the kinesiology study program to practice, and our users to get prepared and implement individual diet and exercise plans as part of the activity "More Green, Less Screen".
Press release
Social media and the detrimental impact on young people's mental health
Domestic and foreign media recently reported the disclosure of a former Facebook employee who, among other controversial social media practices, pointed out that Instagram, owned by Facebook, had information about the media’s detrimental impact on young people’s mental health but did nothing, they deliberately ignored the research findings.
Two street posters raising awareness of the importance of preventing risky online behaviors
You have probably come across strong poster messages from the "Screen Virus" and "Are you being carried away by cyberbullying?" Campaigns in major Slovenian towns (Ljubljana, Celje, Kranj, Koper, Maribor).
Partnership with the E-Sports Federation of Slovenia
We are pleased to announce that we have concluded a long-term partnership agreement with the E-Sports Federation of Slovenia. E-sport is a relatively young but fast-growing industry in Slovenia as well. The activity brings together many, especially young participants who see their future in professional career in the field of e-sports.
Donate Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin and other Cryptocurrencies to Logout
Through our cryptocurrency fundraising initiative with The Giving Block and Gemini Trust Exchange we can accept multiple cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and other cryptocurrencies* including: Dogecoin (DOGE), Amp (AMP), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Basic Attention Token (BAT), Chainlink (LINK), Dai (DAI), Gemini Dollar (GUSD), Litecoin (LTC), Storj (STORJ), UMA (UMA), Zcash (ZEC) and 0x (ZRX).
Professional workers Children Parents
The first national guidelines for children’s and adolescents’ screen use
Primary Care Paediatricians from the Slovenian Paediatric Society under the auspices of Primary Health Care Committee of the Medical Chamber of Slovenia, together with experts from other fields, prepared the first national Guidelines for children’s and adolescents’ screen use.
Events Prevention
2nd National Conference on Internet Addiction Prevention
Particular emphasis was placed on the period of the COVID-19 pandemic and on the consequences of the use of screens, especially in the most vulnerable groups, such as children and adolescents.
Our first NFT collections
To raise awareness on balanced use ob media, importance of limited screen time and responsible crypto trading among youngsters, we've prepared collection of NFT digital art pieces.
Education Children Digital literacy
Initiative to include compulsory digital literacy program in the primary school curriculum
During the spring period of the declared Covid-19 epidemic and distance learning for all pupils and students, we noticed that the learning process was negatively affected by the lack of technical knowledge on use of digital devices - computers, tablets and mobile phones.
Health Prevention Advocacy
Participation in various working groups in the field of digital addiction
In 2020 we are involved in numerous advocacy activities, preparation of recommendations for safe internet use, needs identification for the development of new services, strategies and guidelines in the field of safe and healthy use of screens.
Partnership with "No excuse 2020 - 2022"
The aim of the project is to contribute to the protection and promotion of health of young people, specifically by reducing the use of alcohol, tobacco and tobacco related products, by reducing the demand for illicit drugs and other psychoactive substances, and by preventing non-chemical addictions such as digital addictions and online gambling addiction.
Live sessions are available again and in full swing
We were really looking forward to this day. Finally it is here, and with it, all the necessary measures to reduce the risks of infection. You are kindly invited and of course, come healthy! :)
Our consultancy operates online during isolation times
During the isolation period, we can expect the time on the devices to increase, but it is important to supplement this time with various offline activities. The Logout Center is open to anyone who might need some help with time management and balanced use of devices at such times.
Špela Reš recipient of the award for outstanding quality and professional work in the last five years in the field of social security
The award, given by the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, deservedly came into Špela's hands.
Schools Physical actvitiy Prevention
LOGOUT number hop - wall and floor stickers
Logout never rests. Full of creativity, we are constantly thinking about the needs and ways of communicating important prevention messages for different target groups. For the health, fun and movement of children, this time we put all our hopes in our Telephone Number Hop.
Logout is a member of the NGO content network for an inclusive information society
We were happy to join the network in order to become an active and constructive member. We wanted to contribute our share in the field of advocacy and content contributions from the aspects of safe and responsible use of the Internet and the impact of digitalization on public health.
Digital Detox Logout Week
Logout Week - Radeče 2019
Train from Radeče to Ljubljana has some minutes delay and as a result of this, groups of young people have become impatient as they wait for their train to arrive, and as such they can actually retract and return to civilization. Tired but satisfied as they have just survived 6-days of Logout camp without technologies at their reach.
Logout among recipients of plaquette from capital city Ljubljana for the year 2019
On the 9th of May, which was a public holiday in Ljubljana was marked with a ceremonious meeting in the venue of City Council of Ljubljana where Mayor of Ljubljana Zoran Jankovic gave out the highest recognition award to the City of Ljubljana for the year 2019.
Digitalized childhood: Can the use of digital technologies strengthen or paralyse development of pre-school children?
Indisputably, children nowadays are growing up in the presence of digital technologies as these have become part of our daily lives. Currently, children have access or are exposed to devices in their first year of life, either by observing indirectly from a distance or have direct access when parents of close relatives offer them devices.
Opening psychological outpatient clinic in Radeče
In the month of September 2018, we started providing services in our new clinic in Radeče. Opening celebration was on the 10th of October 2018 when we were together with the Director of Radeče Health Centre and Mayor of Radeče, cut the celebration ribbon for the opening of the new clinic.
Digital Detox Logout Week
Logout Week - Strojna 2018
Six days without devices and wifi and in spite of this, telephone signal was also not the best or weak. For our participants, boys and girls aged between 13 and 17 years, spaces are open for analog experience.
International cooperation
Visit of social work students from Spittal, Austria
In two different days in Ljubljana, we received visitors of two groups of male and female students of social work from Spittal, Austria.
Opening of psychological outpatient in Celje
In the month of April 2018, we started providing services in our new outpatient clinic in Celje. By this means, we magnify clients accessibility to our services especially for residents of Slovenia regions including savinjske, zasavske, posavske, and also podravske and pomurske regions.
Health Education Prevention
First national conference for the prevention of internet addiction - Switch-on life!
6th of March 2018, we organized “National Conference for the prevention of internet addiction: Switch-on life! Healthy relationship with internet for healthy lifestyle”; this National Conference was made possible by the Ministry for Health RS.
World Health Organisation (WHO) officially acknowledges addiction with video games
Towards the update to the draft International Classification of diseases (ICD-11), the World Health Organisation (WHO) also acknowledged addiction with computer games. In our Center for support with excessive use of the internet and digital technologies, we noticed an increase in the number of people searching for help on some sort of problems in which amongst these, is the problem with excessive use of other internet content which happened to be one of the most serious problems.
Social responsibility
Together with Telekom Slovenia, we promote suitable use of mobile devices for children and young people
The project “My First Contract” was designed on the suggestion of Logout organization who worked together with professionals on the assumption of long year creative experience of full and free accessories. This provides a direct way of promoting parent and children to dialog about the actual theme of adulthood which digital world brings.
Opening of new outpatient clinic in Izola
In the year 2016, we also started providing our services in the new psychological outpatient clinic in Izola. This implies that we have extended clients accessibility to our service especially for residents of obalno-kraške region and also primorske - both notranjske and goriške region.
Visit of minister for work, family, social affairs and equal opportunities
Minister Dr. Anja Kopač Mrak visited our clinic in Ljubljana where we performed innovative social security program of support for addiction with digital devices, web, and internet services.
Digital Detox Logout Week
Logout Week - Brestanica 2013
Free time or holiday period is really important as children and young people often spend it the nature. How disputing would it also be, every time, to live a quality life without a computer, tablet, and mobile receptors; this is already another story.